Science Fusion 8th Class (Wake up Series)

by Farooq Ahmad Khan

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  • Cover, Pages and the Spine of the Book intact.
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  • There may be negligible visible wrinkles on the Spine.
  • Cover, Pages and the Spine of the Book intact.
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Product Description


A book of innovation and experiments, A number of activities are included to nurture and develop the skills of investigation and experimentation in


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) questions are included to promote critical and analytical thinking.

Points to Remember at the end of each chapter consolidates key concepts for easy recall. 

New Words presents all the new and important terms with their definitions.

Did You Know provides additional and interesting information in boxes.

Teacher's Corner provides the teacher with detailed guidelines on how to proceed with the chapter.

Children are born curious. This curiosity is the key to learn anything, including science. They want

to know how, why, where and when things happen and lots more. Science is the way of gaining

knowledge using a process of observation and testing.

Science Fusion focuses on activating their curiosity and providing the opportunities and information

necessary to find out the answers to their questions in the world of science.

Science Fusion is a series of eight books from classes I to VIII. It strictly conforms to the vision

of National Curriculum Framework and is prepared according to the new NCERT syllabus for

Upper Primary school level. This series focuses on helping the learners understand their natural

environment and interacted with it.

The whole series is written systematically in a simple and easy to understand language. The books

from classes I to V introduce the young learners to the world of science, while those from classes VI

to VIII extend the knowledge gained in primary level. The content of each book is enriched with

appropriate illustrations, examples and related information.

Salient Features of the Series from VI to VIII:

Simple and lucid language to elucidate the concept of science.

The series is well-illustrated with numerous photographs, diagrams, tables, flow charts, etc.

The Activities in all the chapters are designed to develop the student's skill of experimentation.

Did You Know? have been added to provide interesting scientific facts to students.

New Words and Points to Remember are listed at the end of every chapter, for meaning of new

words and for quick revision of the topics taught, respectively.

The Activity Zone has been designed to develop co-scholastic skills of creative and critical

thinking by including questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

Connect to Life is also added to develop abilities that enables the students to deal effectively

with challenges of everyday life.

Puzzles and fun activities have been given to arouse curiosity among the students.



It is hoped that the series will inculcate a spirit of scientific enquiry among

Sincere efforts have been made to make these books error free, refined and concise. The suggestions


for their further improvement are welcomed.

About the Author

Author details will be added soon...

Product Details

Publisher: Elegant Publication
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN: 9789381021576
Dimensions: 261 x 1210 x 15mm | 482g
Binding: Paperback | 224 Pages
Language: English
Reading Age: 10+
Illustrator: Editor : Dharmendra Kumar Jha
Series: Science Fusion
Country of Origin: India

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